Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Before I even start I had to check the spelling of hate.  It does not look right in all caps haha!

So this happens to me at least once a year.  I get a random Facebook message telling me that I do not have to tell my everyone about my workouts.  Or something like I need to stop bragging, or I am making someone feel bad.  Blah Blah Blah.  Yah blah blah GO AWAY.

I particularly liked the message I got last year about if I did not stop bragging about how good I was they were going to unfriend me.  I didn't stop "bragging" and they did unfriend me.  I guess it was a win for me.  I am not trying to sound cold or be a bitch (ok yes I am), but I do not brag haha.  I am not talented.  I do what I do and I talk about it.  It makes me feel better.  End of story.  Funny thing is, there is a little unfriend button and a little unfollow button to make life so much better.  Believe me, I have used it.  It works wonders.  And I welcome anyone that finds me annoying or thinks I am bragging to make their life better and use it! :) STOP SENDING ME CRAP PM'S

Yes I got one bright and early this morning.  After I swam, right before I was getting ready to post about it.  I had a poor swim today.  My friend Teresa was at the Y, she lifeguards there, and I told her I just did not feel it.  I went home and actually did core for the first time in months because I wanted to feel better about my lousy workout.  Tell you what, I would have felt a lot worse if I got up and saw a post about a bad workout and I had not even attempted one.  I think that is the problem with people.  Not me, but them....

I mean, yes I post, A LOT.  Even my close workout buddies have told me I post a lot.  Whatever, sometimes I even BRAG for them when they don't.  I am proud of my workouts, I am proud of my friend's workouts.  I have a friend who sends out inspirational post daily.  He talks about his accomplishments, tries to get others involved.  I do not think I have ever seen him post something negative.  He is a very positive person and I am sure there are people out there that he helps every day.  I am sure there are people out there that he pisses off every day too.  Does it stop him. NOPE.  I would rather be the inspiration to one person out there and piss off a hundred, than be the person that constantly complains about how bad their life is and does nothing to change it.  His life wasn't always peachy.  Like most of us he has had plenty of struggles.  He chose to rise above them and learn from them, be a voice and inspiration to others instead of dwell.  I am proud of him and would rather have 100 of his messages in my feed.  You see the political messages, the ads, the cruelty to animals and children post.  It makes me sad.  His posts give me hope.  Hope for who we are and all of the bad in the world. I hope people look at mine and it gives them hope, makes them want to be better.

There are some mornings I wake up and do not want to swim, or do my run.  I think about Facebook and how I post about it every day and if I do not go and do not post people will know I did not work out.  Silly, yes.  But it helps me be accountable.  I do not really even need it anymore because I have now basically got into the routine and if I do not get up and do it I know I will feel crummy about it later and I don't even care what FB thinks.  Like I said, I post for me, or that one in a hundred that gets me.

I am not posting to brag.  I will never go to the Olympics, Kona will only be a vacation stop, and I will be lucky if I ever even place in a local triathlon.  But I am more proud of myself for overcoming my battles, for facing my fears, and for doing what I once thought was impossible, and doing it well. I have earned the right to post about it,  to brag about it if you may, and I will continue to do so.  This is your only warning!  Because I will do what I did today when I get a silly PM.  I will delete it without responding, because it is that person's issue not mine.  

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