Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Oh boy! I get to run again...

This is my first blog, so go easy on me.  This will not be heart warming, which is why I started a blog instead of sending in another article to SWRC.  This is not material that everyone will want to read.

I am getting over a stress fracture, as all of you that will take the time to read this already know.  I spent three months dreaming about my first run back!  I was so ready.  I do not mean the run/walks I had to do to get ready for my first run, I mean my first 30 minutes of pure running joy.  It was not joy.  It did not make me feel whole again.  It was definitely not the wonderful event I expected after 3 months of not running.  Let me explain....

I am not sure what I was expected.  I have made many stupid choices in my life but overall I tend to think of myself as a pretty intelligent person.  So why I thought the pain would magically disappear and I would have a wonderful, tears of joy at the end of it run, is beyond me.  It hurt. Bad.  Enough to make me question whether I should be back to running at all.  I saw my trusty doctor and he gave me the go ahead.  He told me there would be pain, set backs, and I would always be prone to hip stress fractures.  I wanted to punch him.  You mean I followed every suggestion, spent all my race money on therapy, MRI and x-rays, and sat out for 3 months to still feel the same pain I was feeling before.  So am I healed or not?  Well we won't exactly know because an MRI will still show it is broke..... I stopped listening somewhere at this point.  I was happy to be able to continue to run and believe me, I realize I am more fortunate than others, but it still stings...

That was a few weeks ago.  I am up to running 37 minutes tonight.  I have found that running on the DREADmill hurts less than running outside.  Actually last week during one of my 33 minute runs I had no pain.  YEAH!   But my excitement is basically gone.  This is the point I finally get sad.  Believe me when I say this, I was even impressed how well I took everything the last 3 months! Before the stress fracture the idea of not running was as bad as death (seriously you can ask my boyfriend, mom, friends).  So when I showed up at races to volunteer and cheer my friends on and had a REAL smile, yes I was actually ok with it, I was shocked! Now it is harder to put on that real smile.  I can't do speed work, I can't race fast, I can't really participate in the Illinois marathon training because I can't run that far. When I run it is usually on the treadmill, on my own, boring and sad.

So my main point of this is, how do I forgive running.  I mean, I look forward more to my swim and bike workouts, even core workouts (COME ON!) than I do running.  When will I be able to stop looking for the pain every single time I run?  Is it there or just in my head.  Will I always be nervous before I run instead of being excited like I use to be.  I am terrified I lost the love for it because it hurt me.  You know, like running cheated on me and I am having a hard time forgiving it and letting it back in.  I am only human.  I guess I have to remind myself that it was once one of the most important things in my life and it will come back in time. 

I know deep down I am a life long runner.  It will come back and I will love it once again.  It was too important to me to just throw it out after my first real obstacle with it.  But until I get that feeling I once had for it, I will try to remember the good times I had with it!  I mean the friends I made while running have been right by my side through this whole obstacle, that alone says enough to bring me back! 

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